Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Worst Boyfriend Ever

I second XTREMESCIENCE. But I see what you're getting at. I like my women veal-like (not fat or overweight, but soft) but am filled with a slight disgust when women reveal how athletically incompetent they are. Do they think this game we're playing is some sort of fucking joke? Is this part of the fabled "performative femininity"? Yesterday a girl with brilliant tits was at the field with her friends and I was playing catch. She asked if she could throw one. The whole time before that, I was watching her boobs jostle around in her sports bra playing soccer ("playing" might be an overstatement"). I was far enough away that it would be impossible to tell I was looking at them as my friend was in the same general direction. I threw it to her, she missed it, went and got it, and threw it like 2 feet short of my friend. I told her it was a good throw anyway because I am a RIZZ GOD!!!! And yet I'll probably never see her again. Fuuuuck... See, you don't really know this pain because you're not a real Incel like ME. So you should not call yourself an incel, it's stolen valor. Good post anyways

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Change your title. Stolen valor.

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Aug 27Liked by Worst Boyfriend Ever

You are a future genius 😏

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>I’m sick of walking outside and being face to face with perfectly fuckable girls and not being able to do anything about it. 


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ok fakecel

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